Tempietto del Bramante

San Pietro in Montorio

  • Cycles / 1400 passes - Photoshop for the texture and composition

2k : http://www.pasteall.org/pic/58977

4k :slight_smile: : http://www.flickr.com/photos/98563336@N03/9704772712/sizes/k/

AO : http://i.imgur.com/sD4jaeZ.jpg

Texture painting was really useful, I created about 6 stone brushes, 2 leaking brush and 1 crack brush to achieve all the textures you see on the temple. The tutorial of Kent Trammell on Blender Cookie was very useful to me especially to make the image tileable in photoshop and how to use it properly in Blender.

For the materials, I didn’t go on some complicated nodes, actually, no glossy for the stone material but I played on the color (RGB curve, Bright, contrast, saturation) to create an harmony in all the parts of the temple.

For the story I put a canvas and a chair to give a human presence to the scene. This created a " mise en abyme ", and show another type of art that I actually do not master at all.

Hope you like it !

Here are some screenshots:

The stairs material

Composting nodes


Ideas to make the scene more realistic ?

And the 3d scene :

Hi, realy nice work.

great work !! think having the easel in there with a drawing is a brilliant idea

Very nice. You did a great job.

I like the viewport more…
The colors are way better than in the render… it happens to me a lot…
But its good render anyway. Nice details and work. Cute idea with the painting. The only thing Im not so sure is the background… The shape is good (it draws the viewer eyes) but the ones again, the color is not fitting with the foreground.

Well done, some mind-blowing details/texturing you’ve got going on there! This deserves some more attention… (here’s 5 stars)

@ AlinB : I understand why you prefer the colors of the viewport, the real building is actually whiter and cleaner :

When I start to texture the temple, I found that this simple white color render really bad, So I decided to make it a more an ancient look:

After this I realized that I had insisted too much on the dirt so I mixed the texture from my painting with a tan color.

@Fusobotic : Thank’s a lot :smiley:

@aem ; @heddheld ; @Ludovic_L : A big thank you :slight_smile:

Shouldn’t the person that sketched that have been getting a different perspective from being that close?:slight_smile:

It all looks really good, the only thing I don’t like is the texture of the pillars.

I like this a lot! Good job! :slight_smile:

@ Mister_Figgs : Thanks a lot for your comment ! :slight_smile:

You are right for the sketch, but if the canvas is to far, I will need to decrease the focal length and it is already at 34 mm.
For the pillars you’re right, I insisted too much on the red tint of the texture:

@Rizor.org : Thank you :wink:

@ AlinB : I understand why you prefer the colors of the viewport, the real building is actually whiter and cleaner :

Well, yea but your render is more saturated than the viewport (because of the textures)
Anyway, it`s not big of a deal. It looks awesome anyway. :wink:

Exellent work everything is perfect , the only comment i have is about the angle of the camera it gives the feeling that the
building is going to fall , the scene is not balanced ( principals of design )
try to change the camera angle , or if u like that angle just put some strait weight in the bottom right of the scene and make it closer to
the camera ( in full focus ) to balance the scene.

Well, I understand you, when I was doing some tests renders, the camera wasn’t rotate :

You will certainly notice that there is no roof on this render ! :slight_smile:

So after 4 hours of rendering, I found that the background was boring, so I replaced it with a landscape that I took in Montenegro and it fitted the scene perfectly when the camera was slightly rotate. :wink:


it’s wrong. Good model!