Been working more on the layout, which is a tough nut to crack.
I found some resources about the more fine details of the layout, and it’s helped me put things together.
It still looks like pastures though, instead of crop fields, so I’ll work on that next
Hey ! you’ve got awesome deep node wizardry too !
Looks really tricky to manage details so it looks right even if it’s really small in the final image…
I’m really looking forward how it will turn out !
Fantastic idea!
I have also wanted to do this, too! I admire your drive to make it happen. It is a very ambitious project. Good luck, have fun and share your progress!
The larger plots of land are something I still have to work on, they are not chinampas, but some were probably farmland. Not sure what to do with them yet.
Actually redoing the layout again, as I wasn’t happy with how messy it turned out. Using the actual layout of Mexico City this time, which is giving me nice consistent results.
Parts are still messy, but it’s on the right track I think. In the center would have been more “urban” parts, which I tried to just put over the chinampas but it doesn’t work, it’s clear those parts need separate “grounds”
Filling in some more details.
It’s fun populating these little towns using geometry nodes, although I was running into a bug:
Lots of geonodes (the causeways, the towns, standalone trees) stick to the ground using raycasts.
I replaced the raycast with a texture lookup (the same texture that is used by the terrain for height) and I was able to circumvent the bug.
I had a hard time reconciling the fake trees (billboards) with the even faker trees (from the trick posted earlier).
At 12:00, the light shines form the top, illuminating the terrain trees maximally, but at sunset/sunrise, the billboards would be illuminated maximally.
What I did is create a driver which take the sun rotation and use a dotproduct to create a value from 0 to 1 that represents how high the sun is in the sky. 0 would be night, 1 would be noon. I use it to drive the color of the trees, which is incorrect but looks good enough.
Now the trees don’t seem to glow at sunrise / sunset.
I really adore the effort you put in that project and I enjoy all the “little” tricks! The result is already looking really convincing! You can nearly hear the people chatter on the marketplaces and the shouts of the ferrymen in the distance!