Hey Guys,
I’ve been working on this project for a Long Long time. It’s nearly ready for release, Just going through all the content to make sure everything is as should be.
Terrain Environments are one of those things over looked, No-one provides high quality Terrain and Environment content because to be honest it’s Bloody hard to get right. Im going to solve that, The Mega pack will contain upwards of 60 Terrains all with matching AO,Flow,Deposition,Wear,Normal,16 bit Height,Rock/Grass mask (and most come with a lot more than that, but that’s the minimum)
All with a auto terrain texture material for Blender that reacts to any change in height information automaticly and setting rock faces based on a user defined face angle. This is a great faststarting point to customize your terrain to look exactly like YOU want it to. Or you can just drop it in the scene on one of the terrains and used for example for backgrounds for arch viz renders etc.
Also as part of the pack there will be photo scanned rocks, Cliffs, Road’s, Road assets like speed bumps/Drains etc, Path’s, Signs, Tree stumps, Debris, Telephone poles, and general related objects.
This also means we can use the extra maps provided to lay down particle system for rocks, debris, trees, cliff faces etc without having to hand paint vertex groups, Video tutorial series will cover this in high detail.
Terrain packs include:
Islands (both sea and inland)
Ancient grassy rock (older eroded rock/mountain formations like in the UK)
Flowing Billowy fields
Modern hard edge mountain formation (like the Rockies in the U.S)
Bad land desert’s
Also as separate high res maps:
Volcano’s (these are very helpful for sculpting your own terrains from scratch using the map packs), 10 come with this pack
Mountain ranges (again designed high res to be sculpted into your own custom terrains) with video tutorial series showing how to do this then bake out your own 16 bit height map, Normal etc and Erosion based maps like flows, deposition right from in blender. This is very important for exporting your terrain sculpts to other application’s like Unity or Unreal 4.
Here’s a quick screen grab of just playing around with a couple terrains in Blender so you get the idea before I finish the main Expo video’s.