Terrain sprite sheet

First, if this post is in wrong place move it, thanks.

I’m making game with sprites and for terrain I created sheet but it doesn’t work as I would like it to work.

If I put snap to grid on (check screenshots, the sheet in screens is not mine, it’s only example) and trying to move selection in uv-window it jumps over one frame. Is this normal or have I wrong sized image? It only worked if I selected four images from the sheet. I also tried that with my own sprite sheet but result was same. Any ideas? Have I done something wrong or is it just blender? I’m beginner and little helpless with this.

Ask if you don’t understand my english or problem itself. I will try to explain it better.


in the uv editor select all the uv’s then hit “G” then type in the amount you want to move like 1 or 2 with the number keys on your keyboard.

Thanks much! :stuck_out_tongue: Now I am on thing smarter.

The default grid in UV window is 1/8 of the window dimension (e.g. 1024px/8 = 128px; 100px/8 = 12.5px).

I have no idea if you can change this somewhere. In doubt you can manually enter the coordinates of a UVVertex at the <n>-menu

You can also enable Snapping to Pixels in the UV menu and move the UV map with Control held down to get more fidelity but also snap to pixels.

Thanks also Monster and SolarLune! :smiley: