Tesselate - Underwater Thing

Thanx to jms, this little testing project is finished. I’ve learned quite a lot by doing it, and maybe one of you enjoys :wink:

I send just one still. The animation will be rendered tomorrow morning.


lol, cool

looks pretty neat.

Keep it up!

here is the movie.


What do you think?


Really nice one.

He is on my desktop, I just love his texture. Great work. :stuck_out_tongue:

He is on my desktop, I just love his texture. Great work. :stuck_out_tongue:

hehe, i like the animation.
cool work :smiley:

Really nice work, congratulations .

pretty cool but eh, what the hell is it?

It’s a squidlike fantasy underwater tesselatescript-test cutie… what else?

Hey, nice animation.

Animation nice.

Woooo, a cute thing!
Nice work, the animation is amazing, I could imagine it floating around in a Pixar movie.

Gute Arbeit!

Awsome his eyes in the animation give off so much expresions its unbeleavible!

Cute! How did you do it softbody, individual bones for each protrusion?

I used the tesselate script to make a mesh for every spin/direction and then I copied every one into the RVK of the neutral one.

The Animation was done with the action editor. Just used the sliders to go from one RVK to another (with the rvk1torvk2 script)

I like the image…


I am not that advanced yet

Character Animation is not my best part!

Here is my site: http://anicator.cjb.net

I am not the actions and NLA guy yet

Here is another still. I did another texture and changed the light. I’m working on another animation, but it’s far from finished.

What do you think, should I add a mouth or nose?

I’m also thinking about a backgroundscene…
