Hi !
This is my third time rendering food, I modeled, sculpted and textured (procedural) everything. If you have any advice, I’ll take it!
My weak points being rendering, lighting…
Hello !
The models looks good to me ! the materials generally looks cool too ! Food is especially tough !
The overall composition is a bit messy , it give more the impression of someone who slipped on the floor throwing his lunch in the air, rather than the classic food beauty shots.
I’ve got two set of questions for you !
1/ did you use references when modeling ? , why ?
2/ did you use references when doing composition and lighting ? , why ?
Have fun !
Yes you’re right, I didn’t feel like it was a pretty food ad either. I actually used a model for modeling but the burger was straight. In the end, I changed to be in the air. I will look at a model to modify it…
Thank you !
Yes !
My point was that you can make it better by using more references, basically most of the hard work is already done, then it’s just a matter of presenting it well.
Here are good references for composition :
One thing that is interesting is that they separate each element so it’s quite readable.
On your image it’s a bit too superposed , we understand that it’s a burger but having each elements clearly visible will help a lot.
This one is interesting for the lighting :
they make the everything quite glossy.
You don’t even need to take burgers photo as a reference :
You can look into reflective object to have a clue on light shapes and position
On this one it’s pretty obvious that there is like a window of light :
If you want to go for the splashy drink, here is a reference :
All that doesn’t solve everything but you can take inspiration from all these images and make something original out of it !
Hopes that helps,
Have fun !
The food itself can benefit from more sss.
Whoaa, this is great resource for references. Thanks
Hi !
Thank you very much for your advice, I tried to apply it, and here is the result, it’s much better !
Cool it looks indeed much more organised ! Well done !
Do you plan to keep working on it ? Or your had enough burgers for now ?
I’m going to take a little break from burgers for now…
I learned a lot from this project, can’t wait to use it for more !
Thank you for your valuable advice !