This node makes it easy to split geometry to instances.
You can download a build here :
This node makes it easy to split geometry to instances.
You can download a build here :
Finally! Been wanting a node like that for a long time. Hope it makes it into main soon.
Yes, very handy node! I have the feeling it will make it to 4.1. Group ID output does not work in sim zone and I couldn’t manage to capture position of instances and using island index mixed with vertex groups created some motion blur issues. Other than that it works pretty well.
Instance origin is at world center, you’d have to realize instances and calculate new origin and turn to instances again, if I understand correctly (haven’t tested)
I wonder maybe this is a little steps towards the procedural cell fracture…
Hmm yeah, I am used to getting position from instance on points but that is different. So we have to work something with accumulate field and statistics node I guess.
Might be useful. I don’t know how it is done, I guess you need some good boolean algorithm.
They’re not saying, but I’m guessing the same
Yes… that’s what the discussion is hinting at on the PR you linked. I’m afraid realizing instances in order to set the origin and converting back to instances afterwards is wildly inefficient though. Unless we can set the instance origin directly ? I don’t think so, can we ?
Can’t figure a way without realizing. That is a bummer. I can get the origin of one or sel
Ok this works, cheaper than realizing, Erindal
Bounding Box also can be used for coarse collision detection.
Has anyone found a way to move origin points in the center of each instance? Rotating instances rotates them all from objects origin point
Yes, Cartesian Caramel made a video about this, based on Erindale tutorial