Testbuild 2.70

MMM engine oil.

Verified the VC2013 testbuild with a Win8 notebook and it works.

Now the question is whether you want you throw down the drain Vista together with XP; if you still want to support Vista, it is just a question of applying a 3 minutes modification described in my past post in this thread, if not, please notify officially of the decision.

Yes I think we do want to support Vista and I feel stupid building those without testing it on vista x86_64.
I did spend the majority of the time I can spend on blender on making sure the 32 bit variant works on windows version from XP and up. I am aware of what to change and the next build 64-bit build will work on Vista and above and for 32 bit I will keep targeting XP and above

I have had problems with the latest builds and CUDA. When I try to do a prerender in 3-D view my GTX-650 Nvidia card crashes. This does not happen when I prerender with 2.69. CUDA works just fine when I render with CUDA, only crashes when prrendering. Very strange.