Testdrive with the new car

Hello boys(&girls?) …

can you give some comments on improving me…

this is all cycles rendered

as I’m not a good vertex guy - so the carmodel is not made by me,
it’s from “shimmy” from his google sketchup site.

I cleaned it up to make it look good in blender,
also I setted the smooth/sharp things and new materials and light…

also I have to say that the city in the last picture is loaded “daz”,
I imported it into blender… with mmm whatsthename ah: “mjcteleblender”
needed some tweaking on material to look good bat basically was fine…
the sky there is made with a (nearly) procedural, expect of the basic sun hdri which I’ve made in “HDRISkyGenerator” a really nice tool imo

what do you think?

Cool. I think the rear lights on the second picture are missing glossiness and they don’t cast reflections.

The first one looks fine, just not my style, but the other two! great renders!

oh, ok thanks, I’ve not expected that you’ll like them :wink:
and yes, I also thought that the backlights look kinda strange, I’ll look at them closely :wink:

The first one, you went overboard with DOF, and made the car look like a toy. Lower the DOW and it should make it more believable.
2nd is a good studio render, but the model it self looks low detailed (around the tail lights), but that is not you… though i think the lighting may play a part in making it look a bit strange…
3rd render looks like its a in game screenshot of some racing game…cool

What is the purpose of this though? - Just to practice rendering/lighting.composition and whatnot?

okay, yes - indeed it’s for practicing - rendering, lighting and stuff…
is there a tutorial or a basic trick on how to make the headlights more realistic, with a tekture on (in) it …

My favorite is the second studio-type render. It seems like there are a few areas that are blurry that shouldn’t be though.

^^ you see them :wink:
that’s exciting… yes I quick blurred some parts because of noise, with photoshop, next render will be better :wink: