Testing the new geometry nodes hair system - and it's awesome!

Hi there,
I’ve been looking forward to a proper hair system in Blender for so long, and looks now we have it. I gave it a quick play, and I’m really impressed how versatile it is. I stumbled on some little issues here and there, but this is most likely a user error from my side, especially when it comes to parting. However, thanks to the massive benefit, that each node group can be adjusted/extended by myself, helped me to work around certain issues.
Both the tests I did, where done super quick and could use quite a bit more refinement. But while working on the guy’s hair, I was so amazed about the speed of the workflow, I couldn’t wait but also had to try a female haircut especially with the challenge of a parting.
What are your experiences/thoughts with the new hair system ?



wow, formidable !!!
@dabreiss , do you think it’s possible to make a quick vidéo to show how you have made this ?
You tell us it’s done super quickly °_°
Make a video


Seconding. I would also love to know how you made this. Your results look better than you describe them.

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Thanks for the comments guys. I’m not really a video creator, but I’ll try to do one.

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WOW, merci !!!

I did a “quick” video here:

My apologies, the video is not great, haha. But I hope it explains one or two things


@dabreiss , tu es génial;
Merci d’avoir pris le temps d’avoir fait cette vidéo.
C’est génial !!!
Informations about woman hairs and the exemples you show to explain are clear !
Many many thanks, you’re great !

female hair came out really good

The switch in the Interpolate Hair Curves node group is a great idea. Wonder if you should suggest it become a default thing? I’m sure there are others who prefer your method that aren’t node savvy enough to make the required changes.

I was thinking about creating a right-click-select proposal. However since those nodes groups are so customizable, I hesitated to do so. You are right though, it would be great to have those kinda things as default. Gonna do the proposal.

Dude, with this video you made my day!

Ha, I’m glad to hear that. I will upload the node tree this weekend :wink:

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You can find the .blend file here:


Hey man, I took advantage of your tips on how to make hair for my Project! They helped me a lot, and like you did I shared the hair for free on my Gumroad. Thanks again!


So glad it was helpful. That’s from of yours is looking great man !!!