Testing toon-shaders

Just playing with toon shading methods.

The blue pot is a toon spec+diff with ray transp+ior ar 1.5, low alpha (but not all the way) and emit (so the back isnt dark)

the green pot and golf ball are shadeless with a ramp shader.

Red pot is the same as the green one only its shaded based off the normals directions, rather than the liht source.

And the floor is the classical checkers.

thanks to scorpius for the teapot script. Golf ball modeled be me. blah blah blah enjoy.


Hi,It’s great
I like the toon shading because I like cartoon more.
But I think the blender’s edge is not very good,can’t set thickness and depth

hey thats really, cool, i never use the toon shader, i just never really liked it, but this has changed my mind, thats really cool, i especcially like the glass teapot!!

good work

settings settings please post the settings!


Hi there.
(I already posted on a yafray forum)

My solution to this:

Set yr material & Spec  to Toon; Enable EdgeRendering with a 

very high value … do that with spec too


render with Blender Internal, also Yafray
[saving both with different names… :cool:]


Do some nice Overlay of both renders in Photoshop
or … whichever image.edit application u use

Make sure that Blender’s EDGE render is in top layer
(Overlaying makes the edges acceptable)

my Examples:


[modelling by me]

Hope this helps until somebody succeeds to control those heavy edges…
C & C please.

Gloo (aka Tone3D)

I find that rendering a pic larger than you need, then scaleing it down helps make edges thinner.

glootamin, could you post materials and/or light settings for those pics? they are amazing!

So are your pots…

my settings (nothing ‘super special’):

Toon - Ref: 1.000
Size: 3.140
Smooth: 0.100

Toon - Spec: 2.000
Size: 1.530
Smooth: 1.000


         Eint:        32
    Antishift:       0

Lamp (3 lamps)

         Dist:        20.00
     Energy:        1.000

Blender render [ You can push the ‘Eint’ very high, but go for this
sort of edge intensity]:
Yafray render [ lights shouldn’t be too strong -
go for a more greyish output]:
Combined (Blender on top, Yafray below, Soft light for Blender layer):

Now, please - your settings… :o



Did you render as glootamin describes, or with Sunflow? Would you please describe your process?

Thank you,

Yes, your toon shading is good. And the lights are great.

Good work.

to bad the light seems to be coming from 4 different sides. each object has a different lighting.


MikeCuffe - I rendered it in blender only. Not like Glootamin’s method.

Ok, my settings.

Lights { just the defualt lamp, I never touched the lighting setup at all.

edge { EINT 1

AA { without propor osa settings, the edges sometimes turn out jagged. 16 samples, mitch 1.50.

glass pot {
r. 0.400
g. 0.530
b. 0.700
A .100
raytransp with IOR 1.50
diffuse- toon\ref .68\size 1.76\smooth 0
specular- toon\spec .14\size .8\smooth 0
emit .7

green pot {
rgb 0.8

spec- 0

red pot { same as the green one, only the ramp method is NORMAL.

with the ramp, the 2 sliders that have seperate colours should only be 1 digit apart. For example, the second dark green slider is at 0.553. and the first light green slider is at 0.554. So it instantly goes onto the next colour. Think of it as setting toon-spec smooth to 0.

Nice toon shaders, maybe try to see what you can do with 2.42’s node system:)

glootamin, in 2.42, there is a compositor which may be able to do what you explained. I used a build from Erwin’s site


For the game engine but all the other features work too.

Ooh! Very nice. I’ve never been able to work out toon shaders.

Hello from DA btw.


Could you please post a .Blend file with the toon shaders in them for us to examine?

Thanks :slight_smile:

I use toon shaders all the time for illustrating peoples products,

But I have not use blender toon shader verry much, I use Truespace and a toon shader I purchased (think I got it with the dark tree package?).

Your materials are very nice looking 8)

EDIT: Oops I see you posted your settings :slight_smile:

Thanks for doing this I am going to try it now 8)

EDITEDIT: OMG! You rule!! Thank you :slight_smile:


Here is what I came up with… I have never had this much control over a toon shader…
I went solid colors, and Sunlight and only 4 colors:

here is the blend:

I cant wait untill I get home to try some more tests 8)

Thanks again hafunui !


Thanks for all the people that posted on this thread!

I’m trying to get all those shades for a little character but have not be succesfull at it yet… The problem is that I think I understand the underlying theory (use the Ramp for different shades and “specular”), but have not been able to make it work. I’m newbie to Blender but have been working with other softwares for some time already. I first thought that tweaking the size value of the toon shader would do the trick, but I can’t seem to make it show the brightest red on the ramp no matter what the settings I use for the Toon shader.

Could anybody give a hand…? :smiley:



Regarding your pm, eks, I checked the file and the RGB values I provided don’t seem to be of any use, except for the glass material. The diffuse colours are just white.

For the diffuse ones I have specular set to 0 and the diffuse is Lambert for the green one, and toon for the red. (toon diffuse settings are ref 1.0 size 3.0 and smooth 0)

You can find the Mitch AntiAliasing filter in the rendering tab at the bottom right corner (its Gauss by default)

Thanks a lot!!!

It worked! :slight_smile:

At least with the Lambert shader, the trick was using white or a shade of gray on the color (for Lambert), no specular and the Ramp with result input. The Toon shader I could not get to work no matter what, it always gave results like the one attached bellow. But the result with the Lambert is exactly what I was looking for.

hafunui, or anyone else, if have any idea of why it might not work with the Toon shader, I would like to know. The result might be the same, but I will learn something new. :slight_smile:

Thanks again!
PS: the Blender toon shader itself could have a settings for the amount of “shades/color”, couldn’t it?


No, the toon shader has no setting for the amount of shades you have. There is Specular, diffuse, and if you play with the emit value, you can have a maximum of 3 shades.

I checked the file again and both the red and green have similar ramps but the green is set to Result, so you get a constant cellshaded effect based on the lamp position.

The red one, however, has the ramp input set to Normal, so the banding is based off of the Viewing angle. This method doesn’t provide a cellshaded effect, rather a standard diffuse model with a banded albedo. So in order to get a flat\constant shading I set the diffuse to toon with ref and size at max.

Hope I made some sence.