Texel Density Checker 3.2.1 [UPDATE 16.10.20]

Thank you!!!



v.3.2.1 have a bug in 2.90.1 when click on “Set My TD”

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\APEC\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.90\scripts\addons\Texel_Density_3_2_1_291\core_td_operators.py", line 221, in execute
    bpy.context.screen.areas[ie_area].ui_type = 'IMAGE_EDITOR'
TypeError: bpy_struct: item.attr = val: enum "IMAGE_EDITOR" not found in (, 'VIEW_3D', 'VIEW', 'UV', 'CompositorNodeTree', 'TextureNodeTree', 'ShaderNodeTree', 'SEQUENCE_EDITOR', 'CLIP_EDITOR', 'DOPESHEET', 'TIMELINE', 'FCURVES', 'DRIVERS', 'NLA_EDITOR', 'TEXT_EDITOR', 'CONSOLE', 'INFO', 'OUTLINER', 'PROPERTIES', 'FILE_BROWSER', 'PREFERENCES')

location: <unknown location>:-1

it seems devs changed UV to IMAGE_EDITOR in 2.91, need a checking for version before 2.90.
Like this:

#Fix for blender 2.90
version =  bpy.app.version_string[:4]
if float(version) >= 2.90:
    bpy.context.screen.areas[ie_area].ui_type = 'IMAGE_EDITOR'
    bpy.context.screen.areas[ie_area].ui_type = 'UV'

Also suggestion, add a button “Calculate TD Set All”
which contains 3 actions “Calculate TD”+“Calc -> Set Value”+“Calc -> Select Value”.

Thanks for addon!

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Hello. For versions 2.83-2.90 you need install file Texel_Density_3_2_1_283.zip

About checking version, interesting idea. Thanks!

In 283 when i push set my TD it setting it for all island ‘bounding box’, like all island on same place to each other.
Now they distributed after aplying TD :frowning:

  • Selected face not working, applyin TD on evey UV islad
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Thanks for report issue

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Thank you for the addon! :slight_smile:
About Set my TD.
Seems it works differently in 3d view and UV. :woozy_face:



also find some strange issue with “Set My TD” (2.90):

  1. If select same mesh but separated islands it calculate TD some how in the middle point.
  2. After Ctrl+Z it also undo “Calc → Set Value” operation.
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It seems that “Set My TD” did not support multi islands selected. For single selection it works perfect.
I have a workaround for this, before hit “Set My TD” use default “Average Islands Scale”, but it shifts islands position, not a big problem, until you find how to handle multi islands selection.

What do you mean “did not support multi islands selected”? Try Hit “Set My TD” two times =)
Now has problem with calculation TD for islands with different TD Values.

It’s will be fixed very-very soon.


that what I meant, I thought it cant recognize multiple selected islands and just doing some average calculation…

Texel Density Checker 3.2.2 (Blender 2.91 ang Higher) (13 Dec, 2020):

[Fix] Incorrect Calculation of average TD when islands have different TD


Can someone help me with this case? Two meshes have the same length but bottom one gets wrong texel density. Looks like it has some problems, but i cant figure out why. Transforms applied, no custom normals stored.

Attaching blend file as well
texel_problem.zip (126.4 KB)

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Unwrap them using conformal option


Hello, Zelfit!
Texel Density Checker Calculate TD by Island and first island has same TD for each polygon, but second island has different TD for each polygon.
Average TD for first and second islands equal 15.0.

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Thanks for all the great work on this add-on. I just tried using your program’s “Set my TD” button and it gave me this error message.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\IMPACT\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.90\scripts\addons\Texel_Density_3_2_2_291\core_td_operators.py”, line 214, in execute
bpy.context.screen.areas[ie_area].ui_type = ‘IMAGE_EDITOR’
TypeError: bpy_struct: item.attr = val: enum “IMAGE_EDITOR” not found in (, ‘VIEW_3D’, ‘VIEW’, ‘UV’, ‘CompositorNodeTree’, ‘TextureNodeTree’, ‘ShaderNodeTree’, ‘SEQUENCE_EDITOR’, ‘CLIP_EDITOR’, ‘DOPESHEET’, ‘TIMELINE’, ‘FCURVES’, ‘DRIVERS’, ‘NLA_EDITOR’, ‘TEXT_EDITOR’, ‘CONSOLE’, ‘INFO’, ‘OUTLINER’, ‘PROPERTIES’, ‘FILE_BROWSER’, ‘PREFERENCES’)

location: :-1

Here’s a copy of my screen. Hope this helps.

Hi! You need download version 3.2.1.
Version 3.2.2 requires Blender 2.91 and Higher

Thanks! I’ll upgrade my Blender app.

Hello, texel density destroys my face maps that were on my mesh before i clicked assign checker material.Face maps still there, but they are ‘empty’.

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Thanks for report issue. Will be fixed in next release

At first I want to thank you for this great addon. It really saves my life :slight_smile:
Lately playing with baking TD to VC and i have little request. At the moment you need to type by yourself max and min TD value for the gradient. Is there any chance that addon do it automatically for you picking these values from selected faces (as an option)?

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