πŸŽ₯ TexStudio - Easy Texturing Studio

Hi everyone and welcome to the TexStudio topic.

Here you can follow the news about the addon and engage discussions around it :smiley:

Here is a quick presentation of what it does :smiley:

The idea behind it is to help you isolate objects in complex scenes, in order to make the texturing process easier! You can of course use the studios and light sets to showcase your assets in your favorite environment!

Happy modeling!

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The product page for more information: https://blendermarket.com/products/texstudio-easy-texturing-studio

Hello guys!

I made a complete tutorial on how to use the add-on :smiley:



TexStudio 2.0 is here! I let you watch the video it’s quicker than 100 words :wink:

You can get it on Blender Market now => https://blendermarket.com/products/texstudio-easy-texturing-studio?utm_source=cg-seb-blenderartist&ref=590