Texture a model

i have this model but the arrange the texture image not appear correctly to image
like this

please help me i need help now pleeeeez

The textured viewport shading shows images assigned to UV faces in the UV/image editor. Those are also known as face assigned textures. If you have multiple UV maps, it should show the selected.

If you want to render it, the model needs a material and material assigned texture, which you don’t currently have. Material viewport shading shows material assigned image textures and lighting. Render viewport shading shows a render preview, which can still be different from actual render if the scene is set up that way.

That’s all I can say based on the provided screenshot.

That doesn’t help. You only receive help when you provide enough information for people to help you. Use images to help you explain and provide an example .blend for troubleshooting. The .blend is more important and should contain enough to be able to replicate the issue.

ok thank you soooo much can you help me more i will send you my model in file can you solve my problem and send to me a correct assigning face to model pleeeeeeez

What kind of UV Maps does the model have? Check here:

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