texture distortion

Hu guys, I have a pizza pan where the bottom is flat and the side are round. No matter how I unwrap the sides are always distorted. Is there a way to use a different projection method for just the sides?

I think the included picture should show everything you might need to know to help.

Well… the only thing that might help from your picture, is to know that you’re using a procedural 3d texture (voronoi), so instead of using the uvmap as a vector for the voronoi node, try using the ‘Texture Coordinates::Object’ or the ‘Geometry:Position’.

This won’t be usefull if you use image textures on other parts of the material… For that you need to rescale the islands in the uvmap (and perhaps relaxing them), and texture/paint it accordingly.

This picture shows the nodes better.


Thats it. Thanks!!!


3d Procedural textures default to the ‘Generated Coordinates’ if not connected to nothing. The ‘Generated Coordinates’ use the bounding box of the objects (their limits) as a ‘unit cube’ for the coordinate system and works ok if the object fits good inside a cube. Your object is far less tall than wide and that makes the texture strech in the vertical axis.

If you’re going for 3d Procedural textures like Voronoi, stick with object coords as mentioned.

If going for image textures, I typically do something like this - mix up differently mapped images based on normal separation (z axis in your case and most of my cases). I can never get the tube mapping to do what I want wrt tiling, so I inserted my own custom mapping coords node in frustration. I won’t share it because it has bugs. I inserted an invert node so you can more clearly see what’s going on. This one mixes between a cylindrical mapping (tube, but working, lol) and a normal parallel mapping (default), so there is obviously no way to get it seamless. The ramp can be changed to a math greater than node for a sharp transition, but I prefer the look of this. I actually would use a smoothstep to allow numerical control (for user interface, my custom node uses it), but the color ramp is probably good enough.

The other option for image based would be stencil 3d painted mapping, but that would also require dealing with UV mapping (although doesn’t have to be perfect).

Don’t forget that even if using Voronoi on object coords, you can bake it out to any non overlapping UV map you want (within reason :)).

Maybe someone can fill us both in on image tube mapping - how to control tiling.

This is the basic idea for mixing up:

Thanks Carl G, I learned a lot from that despite the bug.

Keep in mind you don’t have to do the cylinder/parallel mapping blend for everything, some parts can use just simple object coords or UV coords. The bug was hidden inside the node group, below I have separated out the parts that does the cylinder mapping (bugless I think), and combined it with some regular object coords to drive the voronois.

Note how the Voronoi Cells Color style is added to the object coords that is fed into the Polar 2D Cylinder part, this causes each lookup of the burnished textures to be randomized. You wouldn’t do this if you want seamless. The result of the above could look something like this, although I have no idea what it is :smiley: