Texture Image color different from material preview

Hi, im currently texturing my character and i noticed that the colors in the image texture and the colors displayed in the material preview are different from each other, which is really annoying. How can i fix this or why does this even happen?

This is how it looks and also the node tree:

These are the settings for the material preview that i have:
Screenshot from 2023-07-29 20-28-40

Thank you in advance :slight_smile:

You’re using Filmic color management, I’d recognize that gray muddiness anywhere. Change your color management to Standard

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Turn on Scene Lights and Scene Worlds options.

It’s just an image texture with no shading nodes, so it’s direct emission. No external lighting will make any difference



I just always work with Filmic and, as far as I remember, I’ve never noticed that

Thank you so so so much!! I thought the entire time that my textures were off or that my color blindness got worse xD Luckily that fixed the issue!

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