Texture layer like in photoshop?


I am drawing with a tablet on my mesh/texture and I would like to have the possibility of layers like in photoshop or ZBrush. Is this possible in Blender?



Thanks. Most of it I already knew, with most of the videos I’m mostly irritated that there seem to be only 2 layers that you then have to plug together in such a strange way.

What comes closer to what I’m looking for is the video with the “Texture paint layers” and the addon Tx Layer.

Unfortunately, I can’t find the same functions in the “Texture paint layers” video as I filmed there…too bad the versions have certainly changed. And I don’t have the money for the addon at the moment.
Well, let’s see…thanks in any case!

Please refer to the video.

It’s more uncomfortable than using add-ons, but I think it’s a better way if fast productivity isn’t the purpose.

There is a similar video in the post above, but it is not affected by environmental changes because there are no additional tools such as Addon.

I use this addon…works great.


This exists?!?

Thanks for that link! Exactly the method I’ve been wanting.


That sounds interesting. But there is no instruction video, is there?
Thanks in any case

I don’t recall, but it’s very straightforward and simple to use, IMO.


I haven’t worked with the Material Editor that much yet, so I’m unsure if I can get it clicked together. hmm.

Once you install the addon, it will show up in the shader node editor on the right. If you don’t see the tab for it, hit N.

but I still have to click together the individual components in the material view, don’t I?

You just click on the color output of the image layers node and drag to the ‘base color’ input of the principled BSDF node ( The main node that is standard for most materials ).

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For now I have chosen the simple method in the video “Adding Layers in Blender Texture Paint” by UrbanFoxGamer. It works.
Later on, I’ll get to grips with the add-on “Image Layers Node”.
Thanks for your feedback and ideas.

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