Texture missing in render

Hi guys,

So, I’m rendering an interior scene that only shows the texture on some walls, as you can see in the attached image. I need the white spots to be as textured as the other walls. I don’t know if the light in the scene influences the texture?
Can anyone help me out?


A very easy way to figure out whether the texture is used is by replacing it with for instance with pure red and render it like that.

Edit: Did you make sure the walls are properly UV unwrapped? Does it look correct in the material view?

Yes, the texture on the white spots is properly UV unwrapped. When I move the camera around the scene, it looks correct from other angles.

I would still try the “make it red” experiment first just to be sure. There might be duplicated geometry blocking the one you want and we can easily exclude it with the red experiment.

Is it the ‘ctr n’ you mean by making it red? Changing the normals?
Did just try that and it doesn’t make any difference…

Go to the material for the walls and pick the color red instead of the texture. Or if you don’t know how to do that, create a red texture and pick that one instead of the one you are currently using.

Can you show the material settings, it is likely that something with them is off.

It is not immediately obvious to me what’s wrong. Can you share the file? (it would be easier to help like that, but I understand if you can’t/don’t want to)

Why do you have your Map Range set from 0>1 to 1>1 …you just set it to full.

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Just to control the texture and how much I want it to be visible.

I believe I’ve found a solution to the problem. I tried to turn the ‘Specular’ all down to 0 and it gave me the texture I needed on every surface. It did change the reflection light a little for the scene, but nothing I can’t add later on.

Thank you for trying to look up my problem.