What is the texture node editor that they added in blender 2.80? It seems to have no effect on the textures you create, and no effect on things like displacement modifiers.
This is a great question! I was hoping texture nodes would get a revamp for procedural pre-computed/raster textures, sort of like substance. Specify an output resolution and have a “generated” texture that can be referenced by image nodes or modifiers or whatever capable of using regular textures.
Yea i too was hoping for a Substance Designer kind-of thing… With the new eevee that means we could basically use blender as designer/painter without ever leaving the program with its real time rendering
This is just 2.79 texture node editor based on Blender Internal that has not been adapted to EEVEE and Cycles.
Like in 2.79, texture nodes do not work on modifiers.
But texture nodes has an impact on brushes.
You can use those BI texture nodes to create a brush texture. But preview of this texture can only be seen if you enable Brush Texture Overlay. For example, when you use Stencil mode for a brush texture, its overlay is forced.
But it is the only thing that works.
BI texture nodes should be available for Freestyle Line Styles.
But Linestyle nodes (UV along stroke, Linestyle output) are not shown in Add menu.
Changing Texture Editor mode from Brush to Linestyle does not change the fact that editor is referring to texture datablock instead of referring to a linestyle datablock.
And there was no adaptation to EEVEE or Cycles. So, kept World Texture mode is totally useless.
What would make sense is to make this editor evolving to obtain a texture pattern datablock re-usable everywhere (Brushes, Modifiers, Everything nodes, Interactive mode, EEVEE, Cycles, Freestyle).
Ah alright, lets hope for a complete remake of the texture editor some time in 2019 then. Would be very interesting