Texture paint and image scale with brush

Im trying to learn the texture paint and the setup of image brush and scale. Currently I got three different scale of same texture brush paint without changing anything of the scale or size. Can somebody explain (provide link) on how to set up the scale correctly and how this correspond to image as stencil and image as map and object size. One of my attemt is to get the flower perfectly in center of a plane done as texture paint. I know I can do it without texture paint, but thats not my pont. Im trying to understand texture paint, sizes and coordinates properly.

Here is one more issue. This texture paint is done in 3D Brush mapping size is 1,1,1 object is 10x10 meters. I cannot find any logical reason to WHY this is mapped as 5x5 ? Please help anyone?

Not sure if I get the problem, but the texture painting brush doesn’t change its size when you zoom in and out of the 3D view. So, if you’re zoomed out, the same brush size will paint on a larger area on the mesh than when zoomed in, resulting in a seemingly changing scale of the texture.

That’s not a bug, but the way this is supposed to work and definitely something that getting used to might take time. Think of texture painting as a kind of projection of an image onto the mesh. And as with any projection, projection angle and projection distance do matter and have an influence on the result.

For your second issue: See how the “Size” setting of the brush does not have a unit of measurement behind it? That’s because it is just a scaling factor for the brush texture and not an absolute dimension. You’re assuming an interrelation between those two values that simply does not exist.

Thank you for explaining. Im trying to learn the program.

I was assuming there was a way to texture with proper dimension. For example. If I take a picture of grass and i know that the dimension of my picture is 6x4 meters. So if I make a plane in Blender that is 6x4 meters and apply that image on the plane then the scale is correct and true to the real world - as long as all other models are made in scale 1:1.

I now guess that this is not possible with texture paint? To have precise control over texture scale and dimension according to the real world?