Anyone knows if texture paint bump map is possible with cycles?
Yes, you can. Done a bit differently perhaps.
First, in the UV/Image Editor, create two images, one the color, the other the bump(Displacement).
Then in the Node Editor hook up your bump map image to Displacement in the material output. (The math node is so you can control how much to displace)
Finally, with the bump image node selected in the node editor, in the 3D View or UV/Image Editor, paint away, and your new bump map will be painted onto the object.
(You can switch between the bump or color maps at any point simply by selecting either the bump image node, or the color image node in the node editor.)
I see no depth or intensity when texture painting the bump map in cycles?
For example is this possible?
Yes working with cycles.
You have to switch in the viewport shading between texture and rendered not very handy.
If anybody know a better solution, I’d love to hear.
Sadly there’s no way to do this with cycles yet. You can create a new linked scene and use BI with GLSL shading and you’ll get a realtime bump paint capability.
Okay I was hoping bump texture live painting with cycles finally would be possible with blender 2.70.
Thanks .