Texture Paint Not Showing


I’m learning Blender and trying to draw a Texture Paint. However, when I paint using the brush on the left panel, it doesn’t show up on the Donut. Any idea what is going wrong?

I tried going through a few videos and posts, but none of the solutions worked :confused:




You isn’t drawing anything at all. That blue marker in your image edtior area is just an annotate tool, that’s it.


For more about annotations tools, read here

If you want to get to know how to paint textures, I’d recommend you to watch this one tutorial below:

Oh ok. I understand.

In the tutorial I am watching (by Blender Guru), I see several tools available.
I accidentally closed the image editor pane and opened it again. I get only the below two tools.

How do I get the brush?

In fact, if I use the brush in the right pane, the colour is still not showing as it should in the tutorial.

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I haven’t seen Blender’s Guru tutorial, but if you want to brush your texture you need to switch from Object Mode to Texture Paint one and choose your brush :slight_smile:


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I am in Texture Paint Mode and using the brush. The colour is still not showing up. It worked the first time I tried it but I messed up some setting and I’m unable to figure out what I did wrong :frowning:

Just make sure that you have switched from Material to Single Image mode, then create a new texture and try to draw. Also, don’t forget to click on ‘Save All Images’ button after every made you’ve done.

I switched to Single Image mode, created a new texture and also clicked on “Save All Images”. THen tried to draw. It’s still not showing up.

I also tried the tutorial you suggested above. However, at 5:55 when he draws and it shows up on his tree, it doesn’t show up on the donut on my screen.

Thanks a lot for helping me troubleshoot this!

Can you share your .blend file?

I’m unable to upload it here as I am new to this forum. I have uploaded it here :

Seems like I got it working. Try it now

Donut2.blend (2.9 MB)

I had to remove brush settings and re-create them again

Thanks a lot! It’s working :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

If I may trouble you for one more query… In the below set of tools in the Image Editor, I am unable to see the brush so that I can draw in the left pane and it reflects on the donut. Any idea how I can do that?

You meant ‘I can’t draw in the left pane’, is that right?

First of all, switch from UV Editor to Image editor


Then, being in an Image Editor, switch from View to Paint in drop-down menu as shown on the screenshot below:


Now you’ll be able to use brush tools in an Image Editor as well.

Super. Thanks! It’s working :smiley:

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Glad it helped you!

Happy Blending :wink:

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