Texture paint - painting not visible

When I paint all the elements it’s fine, but when I paint a leg, the paint doesn’t apply to the model. If I paint on UV map, the effect is noticeable. what’s the problem? UV map seems to be properly distributed, no duplicate faces. What’s wrong?

Video: https://streamable.com/qrxsk5

Hi, you clearly haven’t saved the image, if you look on top left next to the image there is a- ( *Image ) which means you haven’t saved the image.

After saving, it’s still the same. The correct texture is also loaded in the shading window. The only problem is with these legs.

new video: https://streamable.com/ed63g4

Try saving it as… then give it another name and reload it to the shader image.
look here: https://youtu.be/WjS_zNQNVlw?si=62dA6npIpjoGvZD-

I did as you say, as in the video you sent. I now came up with one idea… Face Orientation and we have a solution :wink:

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