I have an issue with texture. So, I have copied a mesh from blendswap that’s CC0, and I just tried to copy the texture from that mesh onto my mesh. I know this isn’t a smart idea, but the texture looks really good so I decided to copy and paste it. The problem is that when I paste that texture on my mesh, most of my mesh becomes black and some of it has the cool texture. Does anyone know how to fix this? I know what I did wasn’t smart, but I am a noob at blender and can’t make good textures On the blendswap page, the artist said he used texture paint or something. I am very sorry but I can’t post the blender file cause blenderartists won’t let me since I am new
Unless the mesh you’re pulling the texture from is using a tileable texture, you won’t be able to just copy and paste it onto a new mesh. If the texture has islands of textures surrounded by blank spaces, it’s definitely not tileable, and your model doesn’t know where that texture information goes. So the black pixels around the texture islands can go anywhere (or more accurately, they’ll go to their equivalent location on your mesh’s uvs)
If it is tileable, check the UVs or change the mapping. You may need to properly unwrap your mesh if you haven’t yet, or set the mapping to box mapping. UVs tell 3D programs where the texture pixels are mapped to on your mesh. Box mapping projects the texture around the mesh, regardless of the UVs. To go that route, do a search on youtube for “box mapping blender”. This won’t work if the textures are designed for specific uv islands though.
oh ok i see.
Thanks for your help
You’re welcome. We were all new at one point.
It occurs to me that since you’re new, I should probably point you in the direction of some well known, free CC-0 (basically unrestricted, public domain) tileable textures you could use.
There’s AmbientCG, PolyHaven, TextureCan, CGBookcase (see their post on how to use these sorts of textures in Blender here), Some of these also have models, and HDRIs (which are basically light/environment maps). PolyHaven is actually the source for Blender’s built in HDRI that you use in material preview mode. Oh, and it looks like I could have just pointed you to the 3Dassets.one website, since it’s basically a search engine for finding textures, HDRIs, and models from those sites, and more
Also, here’s a video on how to setup textures for box mapping: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpAAWNioUTY This is great for when you either don’t have UVs, or have terrible UVs for tiling textures.
Thanks for the video and texture sites. I myself searched everywhere on google for CC0 cactus textures but couldn’t find any good ones so decided to do this copy and paste approach lol. Also, I have a question: do you know anything about the licensing of blender 3d tool kit asset library? Are textures/models from those acceptable to be used commercially? I tried to look into it, but their website gives very vague answers. Thank you.
Oh wait, I never knew about texturecan. It seems to have cool textures, thanks so much for suggesting that site for me!
If you’re talking about the asset library demo file, those assets are CC0. If you’re not, then I’m not sure what you’re talking about. Can post an image or send a link?
I’m glad TextureCan is useful.
I think I am talking about the picture that you have posted. I am talking about the blender addon - thats called blender 3d kit asset library - it has textures and 3d models? Is that what you are referring to?
Oh, you mean the BlenderKit addon. Licensing info is here.
Supposedly there are Royalty Free and CC-0 items in the addon but personally, I can’t find anything CC0. But either way, you can use both in commercial renders, but it’s just that you can’t redistribute Royalty Free models, even with modification. The royalty free shaders can be redistributed as a part of a model I believe, but not as a shader pack.
You can see which license an asset has by right clicking the icon for it in Blender.
Yeah most of them are RF. So, do you think I might be able to create my own models, then texture them using Royalty Free textures from this addon, and then incorporate them into my game, and then sell the game? Do you think I could do that, or would that be licensing issues? They don’t really explain things in their licensing info.
That’s my understanding. I believe you’d even be able to sell a game with models that are royalty free (you just can’t sell them as models or game assets). Besides, a lot, if not most of the image texture-based materials seem to be made with CC0 textures from those sites I mentioned above anyway. For procedural materials you’ll need to bake them down to a proper image texture first.