Texture Paint Smear 'Smudge' Tool Missing

Hello all… So I am still using (get with the times, I know…) But I noticed suddenly that the ‘Smear’ tool in texture paint mode was suddenly gone. Could I have inadvertently turned it off in some way? It was working fine before, but now is not here… Any help? I included a picture that shows the currently working tools.

Thank you!

Check your tool panel on the left where the screw tool and all that stuff usually is.

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  • Create a new brush preset
  • Rename it to Smear

  • Set the new brush preset to the tool template Smear

Side note, glad to find another active fellow legacy Blender user. Us old timers need to stick together. :smile:

You are a saint! Thank you very much! And yes, I truly felt that the 2.7x series was the best. Glad to meet another fellow old-timer!

Thank you!