Texture Painting creating bad seams on model. Uv bleeding is incorrect.


This image was created in the new blender 2.57. Although i have had this problem throughout the 2.5 series.

What happens is that when blender creates the bleed from the texture it doesn’t seem to be matching the uv. It shifts every pixel over a little bit on this seam. This is costing me a lot of my time as i need to run to photoshop and paint out all of the seams manually every time i create a uv.

Is there something i’m not doing correctly or is this a bug?

Can you show picture of your uv window with UVs visible?

I’ve added some extra pictures if this helps. If you can’t view them, let me know. :slight_smile:


Your help is very much appreciated!

Bleeding looks wrong, I really wonder what is causing that faulty. It might be that some UV’s are overlapping (for ex. mirrored objects)… Usually seams are caused by mipmaps but this is really different thing, looks like your bake bleeds texture really weird incorrect way, but it only seems to affect those few faces… Bleeding looks correct at some parts but that is only faulty one.

Are you using bake from high to lowpoly?
Might be a render bug? If so, post which blender you are using or try some recent builds from graphicall.org.

Of course if you could share the blend file we other artists can check if there is some other issue which can’t be seen from those pictures.

edit, can you show a picture of where your UV seams are on your model?

These screenshots have been taken using the most recent 2.57 build released from blender. I havn’t updated from Graphicall yet, but i’ve been having this problem throughout the entire 2.5 series.

I’m not sure about being able to post the blend file as i am creating this game model for my work and i don’t think I would be allowed to release something like that. I’ll maybe just knock something up if i have some time.

The bleeding seams appear on nearly every part of the model. The only place it doesn’t make them is if it has a solid block of colour because the bleeding pixels are moved over slightly and if the next pixel is the exact same colour, it makes no difference. Its only when it comes to patterns and shading etc. There arn’t any mirrored objects in the uv. It is a clean unwrap with plenty space between each island.

The Uvs are unwrapped down the center from the sides to make the back and front of the model two separate islands. And then an extra seam around the shoulder to cut the arm away from the torso.

I am not baking from high to low poly. I am drawing out my characters in a concept form in photoshop and then projecting the image onto the model instead of repainting the uvs from scratch in photoshop.

I hope this helps. If I get some time i’ll maybe just throw up some model to let you have a look.

Thank you so much for your reply. I hope we can get to the bottom of this as it is taking up about 60% of my time every day repainting the edges of every uvmap I create.

If you can get .blend with same kind of behavior, that would help a lot. I really can’t think about anything what might be wrong, I need to see the model itself.

If you don’t want to give your model to everyone, just email it to [email protected] and I will check if I find anything which might cause that faulty bleeding.

Hi guys, I have also noticed strange seam behaviour.

The model is simply a sphere with seam cuts, also it has some random texturing applied to it as and mapped as bumpmap.

(Now I use the official 2.57 build, not graphicall SVN)


That is clearly because you have not bleed your texture over the uv islands.

Oh, I will try bleed the texture to see if it works.

HI flopoloco i find the project paint somewhat useless; because of problems at seams. I found a way to fix seams, using an almost hidden tool :smiley:

Check this post:

And my quick tutorial:

Nice explanation :smiley: