Texture painting help needed

Hello everyone

I don’t have much experience with texture painting.

All I want to do is paint some grime/grunge onto some brick that I have; but as you can see by the screenshot… it is repeated over and over due to the UV map being stretched larger than the brick texture.

How would I go about doing this? Can anyone take the time to explain? Thanks in advance.

Many thanks :slight_smile:

I’ll bet that you scaled the brick texture tiling in the uv editor, instead of the material. There should be a warning in the uv editor against this. Confine the UV’s to the image bounds, tile them in the materials, and use a new layer set to 1x1 tilling to paint your dirt. No need to paint on the brick texture - it needs to be independent in order to tile properly.

Thank you so much for your reply.

When you say “tile them in the materials” do you mean using mapping nodes in the node editor?

Other than that I get everything else! Thanks!

No - in the materials area, under the texture panel. See the screen shot. The grunge map is tiled 2 x 2, but the uv island is constrained to the bounds (not shown). It’s a bit odd, calling it “scaling” It should just be called “tiling”. A lot of new and some fairly experienced users don’t use this area to tile. Oh, and welcome to Blender Artists! Most of us are very nice, and will help when we can.
