Hey guys,
I’m trying to get a texture that I can control, rising from the bottom of an object. Not sure which node to use.
Hey guys,
I’m trying to get a texture that I can control, rising from the bottom of an object. Not sure which node to use.
That’s a very vague description, and I’m not sure what you’re after.
Something in this thread?
Yes Carl, exactly that my friend, thank you.
Sorry that last post wasn’t clear at all… I’ll try again…
So I want the texture circled in red to be rising from the bottom (like mold creeping up a wall). The textures with green ticks I want to remain the same, covering the whole object. All 3 have noise textures.
From what I can make out, I’d suggest taking the generated coordinates from one of the texture coordinate nodes, put it into a Separate XYZ node and using the Z output (I’m assuming Z is up) as an additional mask.
You chould probably plug it into your setup by adding a math/multiply node into the noodle going into the Mix Node where the texture is mixed with the other one. I think you have to invert it first.
I hope this explains, what I mean:
To get more control over how the texture is applied to the object you can replace the invert with a color ramp and tweak the gradient until you get something you like.
Nice thanks Noel, worked a treat. I also added a color ramp to smooth the transition.