Texture rising from the bottom of an object

Hey guys,

I’m trying to get a texture that I can control, rising from the bottom of an object. Not sure which node to use.

That’s a very vague description, and I’m not sure what you’re after.
Something in this thread?

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Yes Carl, exactly that my friend, thank you. :slight_smile:

In fact, mine’s a little more complicated and I’m having trouble applying that to my texture…

Sorry that last post wasn’t clear at all… I’ll try again…

So I want the texture circled in red to be rising from the bottom (like mold creeping up a wall). The textures with green ticks I want to remain the same, covering the whole object. All 3 have noise textures.

From what I can make out, I’d suggest taking the generated coordinates from one of the texture coordinate nodes, put it into a Separate XYZ node and using the Z output (I’m assuming Z is up) as an additional mask.
You chould probably plug it into your setup by adding a math/multiply node into the noodle going into the Mix Node where the texture is mixed with the other one. I think you have to invert it first.

I hope this explains, what I mean:

To get more control over how the texture is applied to the object you can replace the invert with a color ramp and tweak the gradient until you get something you like.

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Nice thanks Noel, worked a treat. I also added a color ramp to smooth the transition. :+1:

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