Texture/shading mirrored problem? (fixed)

Hello all, I am following SouthernShotty 's tutorial and creating cardboard robot, He using assest for texture but i wanted to use my own texture, but i have some problem. Shading looks mirrored dont know how to fix can you help me?

Edit: I solve my problem :smiley: I applied mirror modifer and UV unwrap again then it fixed :slight_smile:

you can see problem below:


There are a Few Problems you need to learn how to avoid…

  1. You have not APPLIED SCALE to the objects after you scaled/bent changed, etc.
    You have to or problems will crop up just like this…
  2. Anything that you plug into the principled shader that does not have COLOR ( ie: Greyscale) has to be changed from RGB to Non-Color Data in your Image Texture Nodes…
    ( A normal map is also Non-Color Data even though it is Bluish)
    Another exception is Metalness can sometimes have a color attached to the specular, but that is something you will have to learn down the line, basics come first)
  3. I don’t have time right now, but were you supposed to Un-Wrapp your objects and set the UVs? They were a mess…or rather not really set up properly…a lot of overlaps and strange chunks separated out for no reason…?

After changing some of these things it should look something like this…

If you intend to keep the Mirror modifier active you will probably need to mirror the texture also…buy using the Mirror UV under Data in the modifier…
Here is the File in 3.3 so will work in your version…
Happy Blending…

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Hello and thank you for suggestions. To be honest, I feel desperate. Many things to learn and be careful about.

I understand! It is somewhat overwhelming with all the things that need to be remembered…

1.But Applying Scale is a Must!
2.Textures are easy anything that is not adding color need to be set to Non-0color Data…

Those are the 2 most important things to train yourself to follow…

Stay away from the infamous Donut Tutorial til you really learn the basics…
Try the ice cream cone by CGGeek instead… instead…

Every thing is learned by doing exercises like SoutherShotty’s or
https://www.youtube.com/@RyanKingArt he is a very good instructor for beginners and experienced Blender Heads as well…

Maybe others will add their favorite playlist for Beginners…
But for now Breath In …Relax… walk around outside for a few minutes…
Then head back to the tutorial and just go step by step…

( It is better if you don’t start adding things you want like the textures, till you have completed the tutorial and have a good grasp on the basics…after it’s done…then you can play and add your own ideas…)

Keep Calm, and Carry on Blending! :wink:

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Yes, I follow many tutorials before actually but still need more and more practice! And I realized that, I cant wait to apply things that i see in tutorials thats why i failed. Because I have to learn completely before apply. Step by step. As you said, I should be calm no need to rush! :smiley: thank you for advices <3

I will mention you when I done with my other project! :smiley:

Have a nice evening!

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