I followed a tutorial on Youtube on how to create a road spline. I changed it to be length of wood as you can see in the in the screen shot. Could somebody advise me on how I can get the texture to map properly along the sides.
I have very little experience in node aided geometry so please explain it as though you are speaking to a child.
I don’t thing your problem has anything to do with geometry nodes, but everything to do with the texture coordinates of your material. Try Object coordinates or UV instead of General.
I don’t understand, remember I know very little about nodes. I am trying to learn but there is nothing out there that teachers you about the nodes in their simplest form. What they do, how they can be used creatively. All there seems to be is a bunch of tutorials that say connect that to that and then put that wire in there and there you have it.
Object Coordinates? I only found Object info - Where would that node go? Remember its a spline, a path. I want to be able to draw wooden posts.
" Texture Coordinate" is a node related to the materials, not geometry nodes. Your problem is with the material you assign to your geometry node setup, not not geometry nodes themselves.
Where do you learn about geometry nodes? well from Blender’s manual, youtube, …
May I suggest that you go through tutorials that cover every aspect of a setup? including shading, not just geometry nodes. For tutorials about shading, I think that this series goes into great details about how Blender’s shading system works, it is quite technical: