Texture, UV's, grabbing and knife tool questions


I have question about textures and UVs. I am currently making a bridge and have decided to start over and make the bridge in pieces.

For an example if I have a mesh at 192 units in length and then in edit mode grab the vertices and resize the mesh to say 32 units the texture warps/stretches to 32 units and looks squashed.

Though if I use the knife tool on the same mesh of 192 units and cut the mesh to 32 units no stretching/warping occurs, can one tell me why this is so?

There seems to be 2 types of calculations happening. The knife tool seems to not work in the same way as resizing/grabbing vertices and shaping the mesh. I hope one understands what I am trying to say and perhaps explain the differences of the two.

This picture does not really relate to the question above, though I do get some stretching the long mesh is 256 units. The bolts look stretched though if the mesh is 192 units the bolts seem less stretched. I am not sure I fully understand why, I believe it is due to the UV coordinates in the UV editor not moving while at the same time I am moving the vertices of the mesh in edit mode. Could someone tell me if that is the case.

Also is there a way that if I grab the vertices in edit mode and I move them in edit mode they affect the UV’s in the UV editor at the same time? Example if I move a vertex in the Y axis in edit mode the same vertex along Y axis moves in the UV editor. I understand the UV editor only has 2 axis X and Y


No, UVs are not changed by moving vertices in the 3D view. As a general rule, you should finish making your model before unwrapping it.

Best wishes,

No, UVs are not changed by moving vertices in the 3D view. As a general rule, you should finish making your model before unwrapping it.

Thanks, that is what I am effectively asking, so there is no way of doing this linking the edit mode and UV editor?

About finishing the model…well the model is finished, though I am taking a different approach as I don’t believe having the model finished really helps at all in this case as it is so big… my problem is unwrapping the bridge using as less UV texture sheets as possible(really wanted one or two) but at the same time maintaining as much detail as possible in the texture.


