Textures have distorted checkerboard instead of default gray when rendered

I’m doing a tutorial here: http://cgcookie.com/blender/lessons/4-texturing-the-eyes/ When I render the eyes’ texture or the bump map texture, I don’t get the default gray texture on the turtle’s body. Instead I get a checkerboard texture. The other textures came out okay when I rendered. The next step is to use these these textures in Blender Cycles. Can someone tell me what I did wrong and how to fix this before I go on?

Also, what is the difference between save image and save as image in the UV image editor?

From the turorial:

What I get:

My blend file:

That’s almost always caused by co-planar geometry - doubled geometry, that’s occupying the same space. In your case that’s from using a mirror modifier on an already complete mesh:

Just delete that and all should be fine…


apply your mirror modifier, remove doubles, recalculate normals, unwrap the model again, then rebake the texture. that will fix it.

Thanks. Much appreciated. I must have forgotten to apply the mirror modifier at some point. Now I have to go back through the texture steps again. which is good since I need the practice.