Textures not being projected onto model properly

Hello. I am making an eye model, and am trying to put this texture

Onto this model using the Image Texture node in Shader Editor

But this is the result:

I don’t know what I’m doing wrong! I UV unwrapped and adjusted the UVs around the image, but the result stays the same. Please help!

pls show your UV map

(Sorry for the low opacity)

Hi make sure that you have mapping and texture coordinates connected to the image.

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Yes, they were already connected. Thanks for the feedback though :slightly_smiling_face:

change the image texture setting from repeat to clip.

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I did what you instructed, but it hasn’t changed at all.

When you unwrapped the object were you in front view?
You need to be in front view when unwrapping.

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Yes, I was.

something.blend (1.9 MB)
Here’s the blendfile if you want to examine it.

Your object is not square to view, look from top view.

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Oh yeah! It was tilted because that’s how it fit into my character. So I took your advice and rotated it to be facing directly forward, then UV unwrapped and edited again, but I got the same result as before! Thanks for still trying to help, I really appreciate it!

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If I will find a solution i will be back to you later.

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Thank you!!

Your object has multiple UV maps.


Bake Sclera and Bake Iris are centered (Bake Sclera appears to be the one you screencapped earlier), but the active map (UVMap) is not. Image textures in the shader editor (and the UV output on the Texture Coordinate node) default to the active map—you can use the UV Map input node in the shader editor to call on specific maps.

uvmap node


UV assignments are not properly assigned.
Texture Coordinate allocates the first UV.


Thank you so much, you two! You’re both amazing!

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