Textures on Boolean ojects

I’m following along with James Chronister’s Blender Basics tuts, and I’ve applied a simple color shade to a “house” created from a series of boolean differences applied to a cube. I notice that the color is only applied to the “inside” walls of this cube. I tried recalculating normals outside as well as flipping the normals thinking that might get the color outside, but it’s still only applying color on the inside.

What causes this, and is it repairable on an object subjected to multiple boolean difference operations? Thanks.

each object may have its own materials, and several of which in fact

the boolean functions properly merge objects materials, faces assigned one material keep that material. When you assigned that material you did not assign it to all objects, so the result of the booleans is the same as it was before [the material stayed applied to only the inside of the cube]

in the edit buttons you can see buttons on the Link and Materials tab which say New Delete below text something like “1 Mat 4”

the text says material index 1 selected of 4. Materials have a maximum of 16 material indicies, and using the assign button you can assign materials to the selected faces in edit mode.

But, you can also use the new and delete buttons to add or remove material indicides. If you remove them all, and then select a material in the material buttons your entire mesh will be assigned a single material

furthermore, to assign a particular material to a particular material index you go into the material buttons, set the similar input [“1 Mat 4” or whatever… on the Material tab] to the material index of your choice [ex: “3 Mat 4”].

Thanks, I’ll check that out. The boleanoperations were originally carried out on “raw” primitives that had no materials applied to them, unless Blender assigns a base gray material to them upon mesh creation (does it?).