Textures on both sides of face?

Hello i am new to these forums and to blender :slight_smile:
I was hoping someone could tell me how to get blender to have textures on both sides of a face? I had searched around a bit, and i found out that i could turn it on via the texture face panel in properties window, however i dont have any texture face panels in my properties window, not even in edit mode? I am using blender 2.55. Thanks for any help.

First you must make sure you have a UV texture to be displayed on both sides, for ex. go into editing (F9) and tic β€œNew” UV Texture, now you should have the Texture Face options available.

Double side in TexFace is for Game Engine only and do not affect rendering itself.
If you want to have different textures on rendered object, use material nodes.
And try to search this forum deeply - there is a lot of explanations on this topic.
BTW - welcome aboard.