texturing a single image on a mesh

Good day to all.
I am writing to ask for help.


I would like to apply a single image to a mesh that has already a material.
I made the classic cup example.

I would like to apply this image to the cup

The idea is: I apply the image texture just to the faces where I need.
The problem is that pressing F12 the cup is black, even if I created a png with transparency.
I reached the result I wanted anyway because I copied the color code from blender material to gimp and I created a texture that has the cup’s yellow and the image I needed put together, but I would like to use the texture without copy every time the color code in gimp. Any suggestion?
I found this useful tutorial, but it seems that does not work with color textures, moreover I use another blender version.
The results are down here anyway.
I am sorry if a similar topic was created but I found nothing

Cheers and thanks.

Check this out https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=blender+decal+tutorial

You can take a look at this blend (2.75a), assuming you are using cycles, add a camera for f12 render: pasteall link
The transparency in the image was done by expanding the image size in Gimp. Then in blender i unwrapped the mesh and placed the uv islands where needed.

Thanks a lot guys!