Thanks for your help, MNME and Joe Cool

Note: I did get some help while in the chatroom. And I acknowledge JoeCool for standing up to help. I’ll leave the original post here, in case anyone would like to try their hands at these problems. Thanks again for everything :smiley:

Please don’t ignore me because I’m a newbie… I really am working on a game, and am not trying to ask stupid questions. I have checked the rest of the forum, and have not found anything that would help my program. In fact, anything that looked promising was being shared privately between recipients, usually regulars on this forum. to follow Netiquete, based on the few responses I’ve recieved, I have reposted all my problems on this one post, and will not repost them again, so as not to take up space. Well… Here goes…This could get lengthy

problem#1:effective left/right walking movement

Hopefully I can explain this properly… Alright. I can make my character move left and right properly, however, He only faces right as he walks… In other words, I want my character to turn left when I push left, remain facing left, and walk facing left if the left button continues to be pressed. Conversely, once facing left, I want my character to turn right if he is facing left, remain facing right, and then walk right if the button continues to be pressed. This sounds stupidly simple to the untrained, but someone who tries this would come into complications, such as the character turning left EVERY time the left button is pushed. to attempt to combat this, I have my character parented to the empty that repesents the dynamic actor. This means that I can animate and shape-change my character without changing the dynamic actor’s orientation, while any movement by the actor will drag the character along for the ride, or in other words; my character is two seperately programmed parts; what it does, and what it looks like while it does it. If you need more details, or even a copy of my work so far, please don’t hesitate to ask, or Email me if you prefer. Thanks again. To recap, my Email address is [email protected]

Problem#2 : use of properties for mode changes

Next up, is powerups! I know that an effecient method of powerups is to cause something, like say, a fireflower, to apply a property to the character so it knows to go into “fireball throwing” mode, when the flower is touched/collided with, or to go into “dead mode” after colliding with an enemy. I know this style exists, but I can’t get it to work! if someone knows of a tutorial that would teach me to assign/remove working properties mid-game, I would be extremely greatful.

Problem#3:Making my char. follow a path

As you may have already read, my game is going to be a 2D side scroller in a 3D world. I can make the path to the goal geometrically straight, but I want my character to follow an “invisible path” around and through landmarks, much like pandemonium or Klonoa. Can anyone help me with this?

Moved: Problem#4:Texture issues

This is probably the most simple problem to help me on. I just want help with texturing my models, and am also curious as to whether or not blender can handle realtime reflections, lighting effects, particle effects, or at the very least, environment mapping. I once saw a UV mapping technique that let you place your 3D model inside the texture window and align the two together, AKA frontal mapping. I could use some Gameblender related texturing tutorials; the more the better!

I think I know what you mean, I can try to make a demo later for you…unless someone answers your question before I get up in a few hours;)(days)

Problem#2 : use of properties for mode changes

Next up, is powerups! I know that an effecient method of powerups is to cause something, like say, a fireflower, to apply a property to the character so it knows to go into “fireball throwing” mode, when the flower is touched/collided with, or to go into “dead mode” after colliding with an enemy. I know this style exists, but I can’t get it to work! if someone knows of a tutorial that would teach me to assign/remove working properties mid-game, I would be extremely greatful.

I’ll demo this too;)

Problem#3:Making my char. follow a path

As you may have already read, my game is going to be a 2D side scroller in a 3D world. I can make the path to the goal geometrically straight, but I want my character to follow an “invisible path” around and through landmarks, much like pandemonium or Klonoa. Can anyone help me with this?

no idea

Moved: Problem#4:Texture issues

This is probably the most simple problem to help me on. I just want help with texturing my models, and am also curious as to whether or not blender can handle realtime reflections, lighting effects, particle effects, or at the very least, environment mapping. I once saw a UV mapping technique that let you place your 3D model inside the texture window and align the two together, AKA frontal mapping. I could use some Gameblender related texturing tutorials; the more the better!

nope in realtime only uvmapping

so,you can’t make particles on the game engine? :frowning:

You cant use built in particles in the game engine, but I could send you my soldier down particle script if you want. One warning though, because of blender’s slow object system, particles can slow the game down quite a bit. Just check out SD for an idea.

And your game sounds good SeaCigar, dont forget to check my replies to your other threads. Zelda was my senior project :slight_smile: The judges were blown away.

Moved: Problem#4:Texture issues

This is probably the most simple problem to help me on. I just want help with texturing my models, and am also curious as to whether or not blender can handle realtime reflections, lighting effects, particle effects, or at the very least, environment mapping. I once saw a UV mapping technique that let you place your 3D model inside the texture window and align the two together, AKA frontal mapping. I could use some Gameblender related texturing tutorials; the more the better!

if you want reflections on the ground, first make it semi transparent(add or alpha). then duplicate the character and flip him on the y axis, keeping the logicbricks, andimations, etc. when he jumps, apply this script:

import Blender

if you want him to reflect on a mirror on a wall,flip him on the x axis, then put in this code:

import Blender

the only problem with the above codes, is they don’t seem to work in the game engine

Heh. Yes, I am always coming back to check your posts, cause, while not the most professional individual, I am a fellow blenderhead :stuck_out_tongue: . I saw your responses, everyone. and will proceed to answer each.

Again, Joe cool. While I got help on the two areas you were going to make a demo on, I still think it would benefit everyone to have more realtime tutorials, not only giving you the core functions of the engine, but also giving some examples of how they could be used, for those of us who lack imagination :slight_smile:

Saluk, I haven’t read your other posts yet, but you certainly make it sound promising. I’ll be sure to check out your particle system, as well as your game. Hahah. Zelda in blender format, that sounds cool.

LOL :smiley: The old faked reflections trick, ala Super Mario/Donkey Kong 64. I should include that just toshow some of the smoke and mirrors techniques that the pros use. Actually, the only special effect I “need” is objects that are shaded based on lighting in the scene. They glisten, shine, or simply look brighter on the top than on the bottom. MNME told me that a maximum of 8 lamps per scene/layer could be had, and that should be all I need to give the game some ambience. Thanks for the trick, Mute.

My only obstacle at the moment is learning how to make a timer property for things like idle animations (aka falling asleep if left alone too long) to more dramatic things like the obligatory “Countdown to Death” timer. I can bypass this and move on to other things, thanks to the “Community”. Viva la Blender! :smiley: