Thanks to Your Help Fractal Voronoi Noise Was Added Into Blender!

Huh, I didn’t know that, thanks. Frustrating from an artistic standpoint, but given that, a lot of otherwise near-nonsensical dev decisions make a lot more sense.

The same thing it does with the current square grid, but will do it to a equitriangular and a hexagon grid (for 2D, just a equitriangular grid for 3D). I can see (now) why you don’t want to build them in, but I don’t see why we should be prevented from inputting them when we’re willing to pay the higher computational hit.

If, future – that’d be nice, but I’ll believe it when I’ve got my hands on it.

I’ll grant that a lot of the fabric patterns I’ve been doing with your new fractal controls also have Randomness at 0.00, but that’s primarily to show the patterns cleanly, not because adding a bit of Randomness won’t provide useful distortions.

Hey, remember that skin thing I was trying? Here’s the latest:

@joseph for the image slider use.