It seems that blender is losing more and more of its limitations, but sometimes having limitations can push creativity. so let’s take it back a step or two. try modeling an object, any object using just cubes. some ground rules might help to further limit you:*
- Use only 10 cuboids.**
- You can move them around any way you’d like
- You can rotate them around any way you’d like
- You can scale them any way you’d like - just keep the corners square.
- The ground plane is free (if you need one)
- Keep the lighting and materials simple
- All 10 cubes must have the same material
- Modeling and composition must be the focal point of the project
- Post your entries in the 10 Cubes Challenge 2023 category; on social media please use the #BA10cubes hashtag.
- Have fun! Be creative! Make art!
Of these rules, #10 is the most important, followed by #1. The goal is to be inspired, even (or especially) if you need to bend the rules.
We will be posting 10 prompts throughout the month to add another layer of limitation/inspiration. Create your own topic for each prompt - but feel free to post as many pieces in that topic as you want! Here is the current prompt:
If you are still confused, or just want to see some really cool art - check out the original thread that was the inspiration for this challenge:***
In case you missed it last year, check out all of the amazing submissions:
* This introduction is taken verbatim from the original post, over 15 years ago. Take a moment to consider all of the limitations that have been lifted over the past 15 years.
** A cuboid is a rectangular prism, that is a 3d shape with all 90° corners. a cube is a subset of cuboids where the width, depth, and height of the shape are all the same. the “10 cubes challenge” is technically a misnomer, but “10 cuboids challenge” doesn’t quite have the same ring.
*** Notice how many submissions are missing, lost forever to the imageshack hole. The internet is different now, and hosting an image is no longer as much of a hassle as it was 15 years ago. Take a moment to consider all of the art that has been lost over the millennia. It’s easier to lose art than you’d think.