The 3d cursor is not moving from this origin point

The 3d cursor is not moving from this origin point. It wont move from the circle. How can iget the 3d cursor to move in the tradational mannner again


Ignore this.

I cant ignore . As you can see from the scene i have attached the cursor is not moving with mu object. Its just staying still . This is the same for all objects in the scene. The cursor tay there all the time . I am reffering tothe x and y cursor


Have you tried to reset Blender to factory settings? Menu up left, Load Factory Settings.

You’ve probably set the pivot point to 3D cursor and the manipulator widged stays with it like it should, but can’t be sure since you cropped the screenshot. Ctrl+comma to set the pivot back to default median. Could also do that from the pivot menu on the 3D view header.

I found the issue it was here. Any one has a similar issue there is link here

I have also attached the answer> as i know how time consuming it can be to correct the cursor. Trying to locatethe error . Thank you


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For future reference ensure you are clear with your blender terminology.
The ‘3d cusor’ refers to the red and white circle in your screenshot
The X,Y,Z axis is the 3d Manipulator (or widget)

You can save yourself a lot of trouble (and time) by reading the manual:

Thanks so much for this! I’ve been searching for the answer to this simple question for hours.

Just press the dot (.) key then put median point and you solve that problem