The "A" key. God, I miss it

I know… Alt-A isn’t that hard…

But, hitting that A key over-and-over… it just became a habit that’s been hard to break.

I’m just sane’


You can get back the old A key behavior by going into preferences, keymap, and checking the weirdly named “select all toggles.”



“Weirdly” sums it up. 2.8+ does stuff “weirdly”.

Thanks so much.

Yea, I use the new keymap, but I couldn’t get used to not having A toggle select so I made that one of the few changes I made to the default setup. I think it would have been better if they kept A as a toggle, but made ctrl + A explicitly select all and shift + ctrl + A deselect all like in other apps. That would make selecting all consistent with the behavior you get when you are editing a text object in blender, as well as align with the behavior seen in other apps.

They wanted alt + A to be a convention where alt + any command resets the command, but most commands don’t have a reset state, so they can’t consistently enforce that rule across every mode in blender. We would have been better off if they made alt + A in object mode the apply menu, kept A as toggle select, and used conventions from other apps for explicitly selecting and deselecting everything.

Just double tap A. Don’t use alt + a. It’s easier.

That is pretty much what OP wants, the problem is that in the new version of blender you have to change some settings in the preferences to get the old double A tap behavior back otherwise there is a weird delay.

I guess that could be a problem in large scenes.

What’s weird is not just that you have to press A twice, but that by default every vertex is selected when you create a new object and go into edit mode. Making them not selected would remove the need to deselect in the first place, and there aren’t really many instances where I want to select everything anyway, with the exception of selecting it so that it appears in the UV editor :confused: