The Activist

“From the shadows the status quo is upended…In the flickering light of the torch-blade corruption is laid bare and severed. Yet how can one remain untouched from the filth they pursue? How can one avoid the singe of a fire fed with vanity?”

Another character finished! I plan on doing one more to finish up this series (for now). I hope you all have been enjoying it!

I used Blender for the initial sculpt and lighting, just like the others in this series, and then Artrage and Krita for a paintover, background, and post processing. You can find the other characters in this series in my portfolio!

As always, critiques welcome and appreciated!

Original Render:

Viewport Screenshot:


Great work! Do you have screenshots of some of the paintover steps too? I’d love to see the progression.

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Sure! The bulk of it is done on a single layer so I can get some nice blending in Artrage. I just color pick from the render and paint over it on a separate layer so I can always revert back to the render if needed. In tiny spots the render even shows through and your eye can’t tell the difference without zooming in.

I did the fire on a separate layer along with some subtle highlights

This is a couple layers but I use a “pencil” to darken some edges and make it look more illustrated, and then I use an overlay brush to paint in some details/runes

The background is all done in Krita since they have some nice grunge brushes. I also add some grunge and splatter to select edges on the character.

That was probably more than you were asking for but those image sliders are way too cool. Thanks for implementing those @joseph!


Ooh that was awesome, thanks!

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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You’re on the featured row! :+1:

Amazing artwork, really unique. Thanks for showing the process too, really helps get a sense of how much work goes into that fine detail.

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Thanks so much!

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