The Bedroom (CGTalk Lighting Challenge)

Hello!.. Long time no posting here…

Here’s my last work on Blender… Is the scene from CGTalk’s last Lighting Challenge “The Bedroom”.

Sadly I came too late to participate due to personal issues during this holidays, but I’m very pleased with the result anyway.

Made with Blender Internal Renderer (Oh yeah!)… With the magic help of the new AAO GI feature. (Blender 2.5)

I got a little frustrated at the beginning because this AAO GI doesn’t take directional occlusion nor normal/bump surfaces into account… But with some clever work with raytraced AO, render Passes and nodes… Voila!

Render time: 50 minutes.

5 * :open_mouth: wooo word count

that ooks quite realistic, i think the blanket on the bed is a bit to straigt at the end of the bed
other than that:

very niasz:)

nice render! great work!

but that poor guy doesn’t have a screen for his pc :slight_smile:

It looks quite photoreal but the lighting and render overall is very noisy and sufferes from very bad AA.

This is Gamma corrected for my monitors, does it look better on yours?

edit: well further comparison, and I still might like it better before my adjustment, the light seems to fill the room, almost in a volumetric way, in the original. Very well done, great render.


nice render :yes:… just one thing… there’s something wrong with the blankets…:wink:

Yay, You & Blender Internal Rocks! :smiley:

Wow, you squeezed THAT out of blenders internal :slight_smile: that’s really surprising .

that’s really a good render. well done.

nice render! i liked the colors a lot!

Wow,that’s awesome,5 stars

it’s awesome ! i can’t even realize how did you do this!

Hello, thanks for the replies!

@roelant2: Thanks, and the model originally was made that way, I just created materials and lighting… The only thing I added was the mirror.

@atti: Thanks… The screen is on the corner outside the camera view. That’s the way the room scene came… But is true, it’s a little weird.

@TheANIMAL: Thank you, the noisy look is because of the raytraced AO (but I like it) and the AA issues are not really AA issues, I used 16 samples for AA and Mitchell-Netravali sampler. The real reason is a little bit the non-raytraced lens distortion of blender and the Sharpening of the final render I did in GIMP.

@N00BIE: Thanks!

@marwin: Thank you… As I said, the original model is from the Lighting Challenge, I also think the blankets are not very nice.

@popski: haha Thanks! :wink:

@pildanovak: I agree, Blender’s Internal Renderer is getting great! I’m very satisfied with the result.

@lucasfalcao: Thanks, I experimented with the colors in the Compositing Nodes, I did what is known as “digital cross processing” to the final render and got that result. This gives the image a “photo” look.

@Meta-Androcto; TheCroc; sfepa: Thank you!

Ah, and just to let you know, except for the posters and the coke label, all the textures are procedural!.. Even the lost paint in the walls. I like to play a lot with procedurals… 'Hate bitmaps.


why there are no tutorials for such illumination!? :slight_smile:

Ah right,that would explain it. Anyway, it does look pretty realistic for BI, any more information on render times and node setups?