The beginning of sadness

“The only good that I possess in the world is of having wept sometimes.” Alfred de Musset
(for french : “Le seul bien qui me reste au monde est d’avoir quelquefois pleuré.” )

Sculpted in Blender with Dynamic topology (so awesome tool! A big thank you to the developers).
I spent some time working on the lighting and the shader of the head to create an appealing atmosphere.

Rendered with Cycles, minor PS with post-pro.

Critics are welcome !

Very nice! I know how hard sculpting a head is, so I can appreciate this. :slight_smile:

Really nice, I would leave off the small bumps. I think It would look much better without them.

Please don’t, the texture is fantastic! Also great thanks for the screenshots of the setup, I appreciate it lots! :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot for all the comments ! :slight_smile:
I share the shader of the head for those who are interested :