This is already an old work! It’s made by Gilles Tran (yeah I know, it can be read on his sig) which is the most renown POV-er of France, and its work is also renowned among the other POV-ers of the World. His website presents almost all his works, most are photoreal or almost. He works very slowly and very precisely, and loves to work with Poser, too (lot of characters involved in his works). He put on his website many “Making-off” which are carefully studied by many POV-noobs. In fact, Gilles Tran doesn’t put out more than one or two pics by month, so the updates of his website are even more rare. His lattest work is slightly different in that he used Wings3D for his modeling tasks, which was the first time.
His skills are top-quality and a reference for many POV-ers around here (yeah, I’m a fan)
Ive seen this before as well, its years old and won the IRTC (internet raytracing contest) one month. Great work tho yes i agree.
Hmmm i wonder if u could use blender to enter things for the IRTC now with its raytacing features. Maybe we should pester @ndy or Robertt to represent us and enter one month.
It’s not limitated to raytracing. I entered myself with Blender years back ago, as well as many other people. One blender render was even in one of the six wining categories (not the first place, but I do’nt remember which place exactly) and there wasn’t even raytracing (nor Yafray!) then.
Recently (les than six months) there have been a blender scene rendered through POV-anim. I always look at the topic of the IRTC, waiting for a topic that pleases me before I enter in. Anwyay, I lways look at all the pictures made, and always look with which softwares it was rendered. Blender features regularly, more than a few times.
But now beware of the rules: no post-processing is allowed for an irtc sessions. I say this because I frequently see a lot of PP on most works of the finished forums…
So participating to an IRC round ss just a matter of personal involvment.
[>] [>] [>] BTW, the level of the last two rounds was real poor, so I think using IRTC to spread the quality of Blender could be a good idea… Perhaps should we build an IRTC forum right here, among the Speed modelling contests and WC? It could be very cool, indeed.
Yeah, I saw this a a couple of years ago. I never knew who made it. He has some amazing stuff on his website. I’ll need to check it out when I’m not at work
BTW - This thread probably would be better suited to “off topic chat” than “WIP”