The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 1)

From the task page Pablo mentioned “remesher reprojection support”. This might be it maybe? At least it seems like he has the remeshers in mind when making this polygroups feature. Either way, this along with vertex painting in 2.82 will open up more possibilities for controlling the remeshers, especially QuadriFlow.

Agreed, Face Groups make more sense to me.


Is this already on 2.82 Alpha build? Do we seriously need to wait until tomorrow?
Pablo is spoiling us, God damnit!


Still has to get accepted by the reviewers, I am afraid. Also, yes, we are getting ridiculously spoiled.

2.81 was already looking good, but this? These are some seriously powerful features coming to Blender. If this is what we can expect from major patch releases every few months or so when waiting for the next Alpha, Pixologic will have to start worrying.


There is any info regarding masking for edges and/or crevices?
(I would love a claypolish in the already implemented operators by Pablo, plus an ‘eraser’ for sculpted surface like the Morph brush from Zbrush -layers anyone?-)

I’m wondering how you set up the shader for those quad wireframes…

While we are getting inspirations from zbrush, any chance to get the option to use it’s controls? most of all the easy rotation (just touch and drag outside the object to rotate)

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Would be a nice quality of life feature for the other modes too. My own solution to this was to change all the camera keybinds to work with the scroll wheel and ctrl, shift, and alt. That way you can rotate, zoom, and pan your view without touching any selection commands.

There’s some of us who hate the ZBrush navigation/controls you know.

I’m all up for enabling users - as an option. But only if it was made as an option you enable/disable.


i noticed that flag in the toolbar but it was not shown whilst using the other brushes, perhaps it’s not fully implemented. i am also pretty confident that pablo will change that in the near future.

My best guess is that the “Topology Automasking” checkbox currently available for the other tools will function as the enable/disable toggler for interacting with the Face Map system. Makes sense, since these groups should behave as separate entities while still being one object.

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Made a thread on DevTalk about adding an automatic “Apply Base” feature to MultiRes as the default behaviour to align with how subdivs work in ZBrush:

Would be nice if more people showed their support for the feature, since it is a pretty important quality of life change besides fixing the MultiRes bugs.

That’s not me lol. I also have no clue how to do it easily.
There are some dirty tricks online to do it tho…

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It does look pretty badass though. :smile:


I don’t think there’s reason for Pixologic to worry, and I sincerely prefer it that way. I’m kinda of traumatized by that Dyntopo-like tool we had back in the day by a dev who ended up being hired by Pilgway (3D Coat). Sure we have Dyntopo now (which is amazing), but I wonder what would have happened had we be able to pay for his work back then.

We totally should support Pablo more through his Patreon. Just to be safe :stuck_out_tongue:


Even better is ZB’s Right-click nav system. You don’t have to be on an empty part of the canvas. The nav in Blender is the one thing keeping me away from using it to sculpt. Even a way to set up a different nav keymap just for Sculpt Mode would work. I’ll always be using ZB even as Blender’s sculpting gets better and better so there’s no way I’m going to jump between sculpting in ZB and sculpting in Blender with 2 different navigation systems. It would be unfair to my brain.

The only other option would be to set up all of Blender’s navigation to the ZB Right-click style, but that would be weird as I have it set up like Maya, which is pretty much industry standard across a lot of programs these days.


You mean the thing where you can both zoom and pan on the same button, depending on some weird thing I don’t remember? Releasing Alt I think…

As long as this is optional, because I sure would opt out.

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Yes, you hold Alt to pan and release to zoom, but you can also use Ctrl to zoom instead of the release. I’m not advocating changing the nav in Blender, but I would like the option to setup a nav system per workspace - just for sculpting in this case.

The reason it’s so useful in ZB is because you don’t have to be on an empty part of the canvas, but this is obviously redundant in Blender.


Polygroups, yess! It’s going to be hard not to jump on stage and hug Pablo during his presentation at the Blender Conference.

I couldn’t resist suggesting some follow-up tools for the polygr… uh… Facegroups. :wink:


I have to say that I was extremely happy to see this. :+1::+1:


Man, sculpt mode really needs an “Insert Primitive” brush. :cry: