The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 1)

Most of users are agreeing that would be welcomed.

Pablo created a pie-menu relative to mask tools mapped to A key. He kept M as key to call the mask brush.
But change proposed by @xan2622 did not happen, yet.

Masks were introduced in 2.72. But in middle of 2.7x series, we lost the dev who was working on texturing/sculpting and this module became orphan with sporadic updates until Pablo’s arrival.

That seems a totally logical request to complete mask workflow with such shortcut.


I am getting a bit restless having to wait for all the Pablo patches. Honestly, would be nice if the other devs took the time to check at least every 2nd day or so so at least one of Pablo’s patches could get through. Alpha/Beta testers would be able to start testing the changes as well then. The number of patches are really starting to pile up now.

It’s time for the Blender Foundation to hire a full-time personal assistant to Mr. Dobarro. :slightly_smiling_face:


And a full-time UI-Designer. Reading the new “development” of the pivot edit makes me want to pull my hair out and smash my head against something solid.


I think with time he might get commit rights but until then someone has to approve it, the issue is some of his code doesn’t work with Win/Mac and needs to be reviewed & the other Devs are working on their own stuff too, this adds delays to code review.

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No word since on the Blueprint tool he was developing?

Pablo has commit rights. There is no exception just for him.
The other day, I asked to antonioyia to correct a bad naming. Although, he agreed ; he had to ask for somebody else point of view.
They are all submitted to same review process.
They decided to be more strict on it to avoid as much as possible to retake too impulsive new concepts in master.

That does not mean that reviewers never miss something and there is no commit reverted.
But there is probably less surprise from developers point of view that way.

That is the first time that in theory, master is not frozen while a release is in bugfixing state.
But in practice, if reviewers are bugfixing 2.81 ; they are not free for reviews, at same moment.
So, there is a high probability that reviews about Pablo’s work will only happen on Bcon4 week of 2.81.
It is a little bit worrying that we are getting closer to 2.81 release and amount of bugtracker reports does not go down or stagnate.

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To be fair, BlenderCon wasn’t that long ago, so getting back to working on the bug tracker was delayed for a bit for a bunch of the developers. Brecht who was the primary code reviewer for Pablo also went on vacation. Pablo also has made patches to address bugs, but again, it seems that the other devs are occupied with other stuff to properly review all the features.

The way things are looking right now, I think the developers will have to slightly rethink the way Bcon1 for the next Alpha and Bcon4 for the final Beta are overlapping. Maybe moving the BCon1 two weeks into the start of Bcon4 or extending Bcon1 a bit would allow them to put more time into reviewing the new features and bugs for us Alpha testers to start doing our work before Bcon1 is over.

We may not be coders, but we are an important line of defense for doing quality insurance and finding the most glaring bugs needed to be addressed for the official release. The sooner we get to test the changes, the better.

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Haha ofc not. Blender is not ready yet to replace ZB. :wink:

This is being requested all the time, but there’s no UX dev, so it’s always ignored.
Some apps have this functionality built in their keymap system, blender should do the same, instead of hardcode things.

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I also updated it recently to include the 2.81 pivot enchancements. I think that Originie should do what @Musashidan is looking for.

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I checked the patch and it seems the Devs are waiting for the new boolean system by Mr Howard ,he said in BConf that it will be ready in a month or two…judging by that then it’s 2.82 if everything goes as planned.


My very first sculpt using Blender new tools and i am quite enjoying working with it.


Cheers, mate. Thanks for the heads-up.:+1:

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I’m just trying out the new sculpt tools and attempting to use the rotate tool to fix the arm position of my model. However, I can’t figure out how to move the manipulator pivot to the elbow (it appears in the center of the model). Can someone explain how to do this as I couldn’t find the info in the docs or 2.81 features page?

I’d actually like to be able to move and rotate the pivot ideally. Not sure if the 3d cursor can be used to align the sculpt cursor…

The gizmo manipulation is terrible at the moment.

Hsve you tried those pivot options?

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Ah, thanks! It’s insanely fiddly and I gave up trying to get it in the right place (why not set directly from 3d cursor I wonder), but at least the option is there. Hopefully the transform tools will be refined in 2.82, because they seem good, but setting the pivot is just too much of a pain in the ass unless the rotation of it doesn’t matter. It would be nice if there was a key that enabled transforming of the pivot only, similar to the affect origins only option in object mode.

Despite my frustrations with the transform tools, the other stuff in 2.81 is very nice. So many big improvements over the old sculpt tools. I’m looking forward to trying out those new hair sculpting brushes too!

We need direct manipulation of the gizmo/pivot like in zbrush.

The workarounds in blender are just insane.


Honestly this is one of the things I probably hate most about Blender. I would love for them to rehash the whole gizmo-pivot-snapping system to be smarter and with less steps involved. Instead of make it strictly about the sculpting workflow, I’d rather it apply to Blender as a whole.

The vid/gif you show is a great example of what Blender should be aiming for. Easy movement of the gizmo itself in 3D space as part of the native gizmo behavior, not being anchored to a 3D cursor or any of that. In fact the zbrush approach mixed in with Modo’s widget behavior in 3D space would be perfect.


I agree 100%. And that’s what I tried to suggest on devtalk, but it’s nearly impossible to convince some blender folks, they think that working with the 3d cursor is the same thing. Pity.

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For the curious ones, ZBrush 2020 is coming soon, with some interesting stuff. :wink: