The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 1)

Button is unuseed during stroke why does it bother you.
Would work like edit mode.

I don’t think it’s necessary, undo is good enough for me…

I hate modal workflows… :slightly_smiling_face:

By the way, you can easily do that in the keymap…

hmmm. like a dog wijhabcthout his bone

What you mean? lol

Wait, perhaps you wanna know how to do it? If so… :point_down:

You can also make a new entry of it if you want to keep the ESC hotkey too…

Please stay on topic, thanks.

Interesting video, thanks. The volume preservation matter is something that should really be improved in Blender. The Smooth brush also eats away volume, as opposed to the ZBrush Alt Smooth brush.

I used to use a Clay brush with Autosmooth turned up to mimic the ZBrush Alt Smooth effect, but recently Blender’s Clay brush has been altered, so that doesn’t work anymore.


yes,The bl smooth brush is very different from the zb smooth brush.
It reduces the volume of the model.

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I wonder what Pablo is up to now? i have only seen some fixes but maybe he’s working on the next stuff or something.

Did you try the new topology/relax brush, with a small value of autosmooth, like 0.1 ? It’s seem to preserve the volume much better.

I guess i spoke too early hahah


I think he has already proven himself to be a machine disguised as a human at this point. The speed that he has been working on the last couple of months has been a bit unreal.

Hope he has a good Christmas this season. He’s earned it. :partying_face:

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I’ve tried it, but I dislike having to shift the topology around first, and the Relax function doesn’t work like the ZBrush Alt Smooth brush. For example, pointy parts can occur when you relax sharp corners, despite having enough topology in the area for nice volume smoothing.


I’m wondering: if you reset a brush manually, will it be reset until you install a new Blender version, or is it reset only for the current session?

Hey guys,

In today’s build (December 11) I get an error when I try to use RMB to get the Size and Strength context menu in Sculpt Mode. Can you reproduce that? Just checking. It might be a conflict caused by an add-on or so.

same issue here, works in previous builds though

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Thanks for checking. I’ll submit it as an issue.

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Oh my god yes! I’ve been waiting for this ever since I started texture painting. Does this also work with image projection?