The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 1)


Just the current session. You’ll need to reset them in your startup file if you want it to stick!

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Pablo is literally on a roll again now that the 2.81 beta period is over! :+1:


It’d also be great if you could easily convert the instant IK of the Pose brush to weighted bones for animation.‬

I do have a question.

There is a rough sketch of a hand. Is it possible to prevent “Remesh Voxel” from merging fingers in a hand?

Before …

After Remesh…

I think that’s a inherent property of OpenVDB-based remesh : the surface is first converted to a volume, then isosurfaced again. During the middle step, when the mesh is made into a volume, there is no separation between fingers anymore, and that’s where the information is lost. I am afraid you’ll need to use another remeshing method.

Could the selection slice thingy be used to separate the fingers again following remesh.

Thank you, Hadriscus and moony.

I guess, I need to keep separate hands with dynamic topology, or I need to separate fingers.

You can reduce the amount that merges between the fingers if you have a high enough density when remeshing, but it will always merge things together if they are close enough. QuadriFlow does a better job at not merging stuff together, but then you are moving away from using Voxel altogether and moving over to a MultiRes workflow.

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Just saw that the UDIM patch has finally been committed to Blender. Likely we will see Pablo’s painting improvements patch coming at some point now since it was built with that code in mind. :partying_face:


Tried with high resolution (0.02), it still creates a forge between the fingers. I would like to keep high resolutions for later. Could keep fingers in separate meshes. But I continued the hand with dynamic topology (manual detail), does good job here.

Blenders sculpt tools improved a lot. Sculpting is a lot more fun.

Cant wait for UDIM support. : }


Will try 2morrow

Another IK pose brush example.


UDIM its already in the master

I seriously hope this can be the case in the future. It would be awesome to rigging and even animate this way.

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That sounds like something for the Animation 2020 project, the BF should consider this idea of automated rig generation if they want a chance to eventually match or even surpass Maya in animation.


Any news on facegroups/vertex colors/multires fix? :thinking:

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Speaking of Vertex Groups, I just did a little test to see if vertex paint is reprojected after Voxel Remesh or Quadriflow, and it turns out not to be reprojected.

I hadn’t tried that until now, and really hope a vertex paint reproject option will follow soon in Voxel Remesh and Quadriflow, as this is also very useful for creating manifold colored models for 3D printing.

The same goes for the hopefully soon-to-be-added Remesh modifier.

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I recall that Voxel Remesher had that option back when the sculpt branch was active, but I don’t think it will be that practical for QuadriFlow since the whole point of that remesher is to simplify the mesh so you lose a lot of that detail. Voxel on the other hand is supposed to increase in resolution as you keep working, so it doesn’t face that same issue.

I do think however that being able to project vertex paint onto a MultiRes sculpt would be highly desirable by adding it to the Shrinkwrap or just make it a separate option in the menus. My dream is that you will be able to convert vertex paint into actual texture paint at some point so you save some extra time when working with UVs and stuff. :partying_face: