The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 1)

Give time to Pablo and he could invent so top-notch Dynotopo and Multires that is like magic, new clean codebase could help every developer make much better quality code on top of it in far future. Look how autodesk has tried to preserve old compatibility and core system is quite bloated up.

I am beginner but when i tried pirate 3D max and Maya just for fun then i got much more crashes than Blender, and opening files was so slow compared to Blender which opens lighting fast. I do not try create argument but it was my experience.

I hope in future Blender just gets more comfortable hi poly to low poly mesh baking without fuzzing with nodes. Very critical for gaming industry, very.


he won’t though, because sadly he think the voxel remesh is somehow a replacement for dynotopo. I’m glad we have him but sure wish we had more than one developer focusing on sculpt.


Fix T72721: Add visibility flags updates to the PBVH


Keep in mind that developers are people, not robots. They can change their mind.


If there were even more developers, the dyntopo code still has a dirty hack.


What’s your point? With more devs we could at least have someone to rewrite this hack or use more hacks to make it run better.

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Wonder when Ubi or other will notice this and then they could help too as one day they will need those features anyway that is for sure.

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A cleaner hack that does the same thing is still a hack.

Adding more hacks that try to improve weakpoints would be known in the programming world as applying a bandaid, this type of thing only makes the code worse in terms of quality and resource usage, and will ultimately lead to stability issues.


Yep, dropping and neglecting features also leads to issues, I choose the issues that will allow me to keep using the program.
Also, when I say rewrite it I mean making it not a hack. which is literally in the proposal.

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Reading the thread and the comments under the task tickets I feel like I’m the only one who never uses dyntopo or any remesher for that matter (except quadremesh now and then). Used them for fun, but never in production. Was never a fan of sculptris or dynamesh either, but it’s more of a personal preference.

If a lot of people are using it though I don’t really see a point in removing it. Just keep it as it is, as soon as there’s something that’s better and the majority agrees it can be swapped out.

In terms of development priorities for sculpting I’d say multires is far more important as currently that’s the thing stopping most people coming to blender to even start using sculpt mode. Also, fixing it seems to be a requirement for many things like vert colors, face groups and snapshots, all of which are really handy.


Don’t expect Blender to replace Zbrush, won’t happen.
Those tools are very nice but for more complex/sophisticated projects it won’t do the job for many reasons, mainly because of Blender’s performance.

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Regarding painting, don’t you think it would be better to work on a tigther integration with Armor Paint, now it has received a Epic Mega Grant, instead of focusing on painting someday? I mean, if you won’t go all in on painting it will always be something supar to the competition.


Wow, didn’t know they got a grant as well. Great to hear, Blender, Krita, and now Armorpaint.

I agree, as much as I’d like a proper texture painting features like Substance or Mari inside of Blender, at the moment I feel there’s just waaaaay to much on the developers plate. Seems like performance alone like edit, undo, caching, mipmaps, code cleanup etc. could take many months if not years.


Out of box correct solution would be best for easy material painting textures. Current external solutions are Substance of course and upcoming Quixel Mixer that will be next powerful texture painting app.


I use the pose brush to give a little space between fingers as a temporary workaround.

Yes, the code is really in that bad shape. The entirety of Blender could use a complete redesign and rearchitecture and would benefit greatly from it. Cycles is by far the cleanest bit, and it’s not even particularly clean. Alas, the manpower simply doesn’t exist to do the job that needs to be done. I fear that the technical debt in the code base taken on every time a new feature is added will eventually be the downfall of Blender.


The first Friday of every month is “Code Quality Day.” Anyone is welcome to participate. I think cleaning up the code is partly what the Epic Megagrant was for.

Dev Task:


And Blender gets replaced with what?

The whole manpower thing is why the BF’s ongoing effort to onboard new devs. is so important. Ideally, there would be enough volunteers that the core team can spend much of their time on the fundamentals (performance and code quality). It is possible, because you can look at Godot and how they had 100’s of people who wrote at least one patch.

Of course, the manpower and technical debt discussion is for another thread, but we now know why Sergey has not made a lot of public commits and it’s some very good news indeed.


I wonder if there are statistics about the number of volunteers since 2.8 became more popular.

Also, not too drift off topic, but I much preferred the old dev fund page with a big old goal slider - that always motivates people, 10k more to go till 20 devs and all that.


Fingers are just one example though - it happens anywhere on the mesh where geometry is in close proximity (ears, hair, cleavage, armpits etc)